Titanic did crash to iceberg. It did sunk down with over 1500 passengers.
EU- is today as that huge big Titanik. We are today without trustful and qualified captain. All our leaders and captains are onely somebody from somewhere. They are not professional for cuide this boat of EU. They are onely professionals to ask about their own income money. We are crashing to Mediterranen iceberg of corrubtion and lasy care of money for the whole nations of EU. Captain of all this EU-Titanik is totally out of order. He understand nothing where we are sailing. Our comisary of egonomy Olli Rhen did lost all his navigation maps of money of this EU- Titanic. Very soon this Titanic EU- boat gets his total grash and distruction. Titanik orchestra are still playin beautiful music for the dying people. This monetary Titanik crash right to the monetary iceberg. We are all lost. Our captain of this EU- boat is not professional. He is onely one of those captains that think onely their own income of money. All of them sink with all of us, sooner or later.
Hello Kauko. Finally I found you blog. Your picture and text are very impressive.
VastaaPoistaThank you very much Helinä. You are great. You are the most welcome here to my new blog.
VastaaPoistaThank you Helinä for your nice comment.